Natural By Nature Chamomile Maroc, 10ml


SKU: 20a90a134f19 Category:

From the flowers – A relaxing oil which has a less refined aroma than the Chamomile Roman

Blend each recipe to 25ml of base oil.

Digestive System:
Improves the appetite, and aids atonic dyspepsia by increasing the digestive action. Relieves the vomiting caused by gastritis and heartburn.

Digestive Blend:
Chamomile Roman 7 drops/Ginger 4 drops/Cardamon 2 drops.

Urinary System:
Relieves renal inflammation and cystitis. Promotes the flow of urine and will also reduce fluid retention.

Urinary Blend:
Chamomile German 6 drops/Juniper 5 drops/Sandalwood 2 drops.

Reproductive System:
Good for many disorders including scanty, painful or irregular menstruation and menopausal problems. Chamomile is soothing for sore nipples.

SKU: UPC: 6031 000050754861

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